Thursday, December 30, 2004

He had everything going for Him...

This means He is God, and always was God. He had all the power, prestige, happiness, worship, authority, true pleasure, etc. that He would ever need, not “Ladies, Booze, Cash, Cars” as Anonymous just wrote. If indeed it is possible for the Son of God to be even more glorified by doing the will of the Father, then this is exactly what occurred when Jesus came and lived and suffered and died and rose again and ascended. If you are an unbeliever, you might not understand this yet.

“But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised.” (1 Corinthians 2:14 NASB) Whoever you are, I understand your being confused about my wording. May God bless you.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

The Stars

“The skies look so cluttered,”

To myself I muttered

One star-spangled night.

“They’re so close together

In this kind of weather;

My, my, what a sight!”


But wouldn’t you know,

If you were to go

From one star to another,

In all of your days,

There’s way too much space

To traverse, so why bother?

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Happy New Year

As we make our resolutions this New Year, let’s resolve to listen to God and obey Him, even if we don’t understand why. Happy 2005, one and all!

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Merry Christmas!

Most people don’t know all the symbols of Christmas that point to Christ himself as the Reason why this culture of ours celebrates the holiday. Take for example the holly, as described in “The Holly and the Ivy,” or the ever-popular Candy Cane we all love so much at Christmas. You can read the story about its symbolism at this site. Or take the word “Xmas”, the abreviation of “Christmas.” I’ve heard many well-meaning Christians say that Xmas is a bold attempt to X the name of Christ out of the name of Christmas. But in their ingorance of Greek they misunderstand. You see, the Greek letter Chi (Χ), which lookes like X, is the first letter of Χριστος, the Greek word for Christ, Jesus’ title, which means the same as the Hebrew title “Messiah”, meaning “anointed.” Merry “Χmas”!

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

God is Light

The thing which we have heard from old,

And seen, and held in hand,

Of that sure Word of Life foretold

That evermore shall stand:

That Word declare we unto you,

And manifest it be;

So with the Godhead we commune

Together joyfully.

The message is that God is Light;

In Him no darkness dwells.

If we are walking in His sight,

He shades of night dispels.

So if in darkness we are yet,

The truth we do not tell

To say the Father we have met

And in the Son do dwell.

The blood of Jesus Christ the Son

All sin will cleanse away,

As we’ve been promised, everyone,

When to the Lord we pray;

And saying not, “We have no sin,”

Ourselves thus to deceive,

But telling all our fault to Him,

To trust Him and believe.

Based on I John ch. 1

Monday, December 13, 2004

God is good.

A friend of mine in Lynchburg called me up this past Friday. Seems the restaurant he works at is really busy on weekends, so I got to work there in the kitchen, washing dishes, prep’ing food, just general all-round helping out on an informal sort of basis. But I did such I good job that they want me to do the same next weekend. This could end up being a regular thing—and if I do well at this, perhaps it’ll be easier to get other employment later on.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Why did Jesus come?

When you think about all the things Jesus has done for God and mankind and sinners in particular, one question can be asked: Why? He had everything going for Him up there in Heaven. What is the reason or purpose for His coming to earth?

There are many that you could list, but the one reason that encompasses them all is this: He came because it was the will of His Father. People spend time these days trying to find out God’s will so that they can decide whether or not to do it. Jesus asked no questions; He simply obeyed. How are we doing with obedience these days? Hmmm?

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

A note of encouragement.

♬Burdens are lifted at Calvary, Jesus is very near.♬