I’m tired, and discouraged, and lonely. But we’ll succeed, God and I. I guess, when it comes right down to it, He’s all you need! Well, a little human interaction would be nice, in due time, if He wills it, but in the mean time, “Trust and obey…”
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Happy Turkey Day
Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends, relatives and enemies on Thursday, November the twenty-second, [in the year of our Lord] Two Thousand Seven!
P.S. Happy Birthday to me! ;-} (same day)
Monday, November 12, 2007
For Valerie
Valerie, if you are reading this, I will give you my phone number, only to be used if you need to contact me and cannot use email. Below are three rows of ten letters. The first two provide clues to the code. The third row is my phone number.
Update: If you can’t figure this out, send me an email or comment on this post. But you must sign in first so I will know it’s you. If you don’t, too bad.
Hint: the first three digits are NOT 800.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
I dreamed this morning.
Yes, a lot of my dreaming takes place in the morning, before I get up. This morning I had a dream about Valerie: I dreamed I called her on the phone. This is very odd, because I no longer have a number that works for her, and even if I did, I wouldn’t attempt to use it. In the dream, the conversation went something like this:
“Who is this?”
“It’s me—Brian.”
“What do you want?!”
“I just wanted to hear your voice again.”
“OK. You heard my voice. Now beat it.”
“good bye”
“Good BYE.”
Oh, what a nightmare!
Friday, October 26, 2007
I got a “snail mail” delivered to my home yesterday. I opened it this morning. The return address block read simply, “90210.” That’s the zip code for Beverly Hills, CA, but the envelope was mailed from Dulles, VA. The envelope was hand-addressed in a beautiful feminine handwriting. The only contents were a printout of “The Brian Diaries.” Handwritten in the upper left-hand corner of the first page were the omenous words, “And you still love her!”
I know Valerie’s handwriting; this is not hers. So who mailed this? Are they acting on her behalf, or alone? Val, if you’re married, just say so!
And Valerie, if you should be so inclined to remove said article from your webpage, perhaps you can try "imzadi" or some variant.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Love is unconditional.
If you could stop loving someone on the basis of a change in circumstances or information, it must not be unconditional love. So many of us have been hurt in the persuit of unconditional love. If you are one of them, you're in my prayers.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
I’m in denial.
The title of this post says it all. If you’re part of the situation to which I’m alluding, then you know what I mean; if not, don’t worry about it.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Contrary vs. Rebellious
Although a young child being contrary and a person being rebellious may look similar and might have similar results, I think there’s an important difference between them. One is a youngster trying to find his or her identity in disagreement, simply for its own sake. The other is someone having already made up his or her mind as to what he or she wants and resenting authority because that authority blocks them from achieving their stated goal. We may chuckle at the first, which is merely a game kids play; but the second is much more serious. Unfortunately, we have many in our culture who are making their own rules today. They tend to associate with those who agree with them, in many cases to their own peril and destruction. I the first case, it's fairly easy to set the child straight. Correction in the second case, however, is much more difficult.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
A Thought on Love
Throughout the Bible, the concept of love is expressed as an action, not feeling. It is a matter of character, not blind luck. Does not the will enter into this? Cannot a man or woman or child make a conscious choice? Is not love a willful behavior? Matters of character are up to the individual, but love is often referred to in our culture as something where we “can’t help ourselves.” Why is this? Would it not be better to listen to the Word of God and note all of the commandments to love?
Monday, August 13, 2007
Well, Well, Well
So I’m sitting in the computer lab, thinking about my “dearest,” and checking my Yahoo! mail, and, lo and behold, there she is on my online list! Scared about trying to chat I am though, because I know where I stand. I’m still her ex-Brian and until that changes on her part, I dare not intrude into her world. Ironic, Isn’t it? I mean I love her enough to leave her alone, even if I don’t like it, because I realize that she wants it. Still I struggle with the feeling. Is she thinking about me, too?
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Well, it’s been a while since I wrote a post on this blog. Since my accident, I got another car, a burgondy 2005 Ford Taurus. I also enrolled in seminary for the fall term. And for all of you IE7 users out there, today I fixed the bug that prevented the drop capital from showing up. I call it the Double Colon Bug because when you use the CSS double colon (::) syntax, IE7 ignores the selector as invalid. I think someone should speak to Microsoft about that...
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
So I got a 2003 Dodge Neon back at the end of January, and have been driving it ever since—well, not quite. Until Saturday, April 14, that is. I must be very dumb, stupid even. I turned into the path of an oncoming midsize car, and, well? my Neon was toast. So was the food I was about to deliver. And I’m so sore that I have to take pain medicine. But I’ll be OK, I guess. And cars are replaceable. So I guess the blessing is I’m not dead or seriously hurt. But what was I thinking? I usually check the other direction before making a left turn…