To all of you who read this, may you all have a very merry Christmas and a blessed New Year! And though it may be inappropriate, ot eht eno I ssim eht tsom, Yrrem Samtsirhc! Dna eht lanosrep golb si llits pu, dna I lliw eb gnitrats ot tsop ot ti niaga. Mu...
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Eirelav, dluoc I esaelp evah eht drowssap ot ruoy gniddew etisbew? I thguoht tuoba gnidnes a lamrof tseuqer, tub I t’ndid wonk woh Ttam dluow ekil eht aedi. No dnoces thguoht, ebyam eht elohw gniht si a dab aedi. M’i yrros I deksa...
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10:10 PM
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Loneliness is Selfishness in Disguise
Hear me out. I’m not saying that lonely people are bad people. Good people suffer from loneliness, too; but I am saying that the focus of loneliness is self. Check it for yourself. The next time you get lonely, are you going to say, “__________ needs me; I suddenly feel an overwhelming urge to go do something nice for him/her”? No! The first thing that comes to mind will be something like: “I’m lonely. I miss __________. I wish he/she were here. I feel really good when we’re together!”
Please don’t get me wrong. I get lonely myself. But it’s important to understand where the loneliness comes from. A’ight?