I’ve heard a lot of stuff lately about Islam being a peaceful and coexistent religion, how they just want to live their lives like everybody else, how they’ll leave us alone if we leave them alone, etc, ad nausium. But history reveals a much darker, more sinister side to the religion that has become suddenly so fashionable.
When Muslims are the minority, they do tolerate; but look out when they get strong enough—they go a conquering. It’s part of their religion. That’s what they believe. The entire world must be converted to believe in Allah or face his wrath at their hand. So much for tolerance.
Islam seeks to assume all roles in society, including that of government. Some say we should never go to a Christian theocracy in this country; they value their personal freedom, they say. But which would you rather have? A Christian theocracy, with its tenets of love, respect, and dignity of the individual, law and order but personal freedom, being no one’s slave, and the list goes on; or an Islamarchy, with the absolute rule of the clerics, no personal freedom, everyone forced to believe the same thing, and I’m just warming up? Something to think about
I don’t have anything against the Muslims themselves; they are good people, just trapped in a bad religious system. For more information about the true dangers of Islam, go to www.perilofislam.com.
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