Thursday, May 04, 2006

The Word from God

How do you view the Bible? Is it above every other book, or is it just another of many books written by fallible man and therefore not entirely trustworthy? Is it divine revelation? If so, does God speak in riddle and metaphor, or does He speak plainly? Can we trust what we read about the creation of the universe, the fall of man into sin, the global flood, the life of Abraham, etc., or do we need to delve for some hidden meaning? All of this is part and parcel of your worldview. Cheers!


  1. Also, what Bible are you reading? The King James version? How is this different from previous versions?

  2. Brian if you are as smart as you think you are, why are you washing dishes for a living????

  3. As for the version of the Bible that I read, that’s immaterial. There are numerous translations out there, and many of them catch the intent of the original languages quite well. The truth is there in all of them, if the verses are studied in their textual context.

    As for dish washing, I’ve often asked myself the same question. Character is the main reason. The Lord is teaching me humilty and wisdom through this. And by the way, I don’t just wash dishes either; I also make deliveries. And I have a second job in construction, too. It’s not easy. Eventually I will find a job in the field I’m qualified for. I just need to look around…

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. RP,

    Play fair. No rumors about royal perversion, please. And I think the morals of the king presiding over the translation are irrelevant. He did not translate it himself.

  6. I remember that time an invisible ghost whispered stuff in my ear that he wanted me to write down. I didn't, though. I chalked it up to too much acid.

  7. rp, I'm warning you! You're in danger of getting deleted again. The Bible is a serious matter, your lighthearted, frivolous comments regarding it are inappropriate.

  8. oh my god. i am so sorry. i don't know what i was thinking. please don't ever delete me again. i don't know what i'd do if you did. i might do something terrible...hurt myself even. i want to thank you for saving me from myself. sometimes i just feel so out of control, you know?
