Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I never knew.

I did what? Oh, that was your food? You didn’t eat because I did eat? Why didn’t you tell me what your food allergies were? We could have discussed these things intelligently instead of waiting for them to become problems. Guess that’s my fault; I spent so much of our conversations talking about what interested me. I regret not paying attention to the issues that were important to you. Now I see that the hurt has gone deeper than I could ever have imagined. Will you forgive me, Valerie?

Saturday, June 17, 2006

I know what I believe...

I know that I believe that marriage is sacred. This is because God created it back in the Garden of Eden when He made Eve out of Adam’s rib. Yes, I do believe this account and take it literally. But I digress. My response to marriage in my own life was not in keeping with this precept: “And they two shall become one. What, therefore, God has joined, may man not separate.” May God forgive me; I failed to do all that I could when I had ample opportunity.

Thursday, June 01, 2006


Now, I know what I believe, and why I believe it. But how does it apply to me personally? What would you do if your beliefs on a certain issue came into conflict with your behavior toward it?