Thursday, August 24, 2006

On Relationships and Fire

I think if I had another chance to love someone, I would do things differently than I have previously. When it comes to loving and bonding with another human being, I think it is somewhat like fire:

  1. Fire provides warmth and comfort and meets legitimate needs in the right context, but if it’s not kept in its proper setting, it can cause damage.
  2. Fire that is tempered serves a useful purpose, but if it gets out of control, it destroys people and possessions alike.
  3. A roaring bonfire is sometimes necessary, and sometimes a smaller fire is called for. Timing and setting are important.
  4. A blazing fire will consume more fuel and die out quicker.
  5. If you play with fire, you are certain to get burned.

So it is with relationships, togetherness, passion, etc. If you don’t watch a relationship closely, things could get out of control. If you don’t feed it, it could die. If a relationship is started and/or maintained in the wrong context, it will cause great damage and destruction. Well, that’s my thought on life for the day. I hope I have given you a little something to take with you and use.

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