Sunday, February 22, 2009

Πορνεία: What makes sex right?

Πορνεία (por NAY ah) is the word in our Greek New Testament commonly translated “fornication” or “sexual immorality.” So why am I writing about this topic? It’s because the moral relativism in our culture has led many to redefine the word to suit their own particular preferences.

My question is this: what makes sex between a man and a woman something that God intended, and even smiles upon? Is it mutual consent? Not at all. Sex without consent is just forced πορνεία, or rape. Well, then, is it love? Again, no. Sex without love is just consenting πορνεία. Is it commitment? No. Sex without commitment is promiscuity, and so with commitment would simply be πορνεία between only two people.

There’s only one thing that turns what otherwise would be πορνεία into something beautiful that God created to be mutually enjoyed: a marriage covenant. Without it, sex is reduced merely to a game we play with each other’s bodies. Stop settling for second best; do it God’s way.

1 comment:

  1. The word implies sexual relations with prostitutes by males
