Thursday, December 22, 2005

Something on my Mind

To the one who I care most about: Do you remember that bead necklace you made for me when we were dating? This might sound funny to you, but the Lord has been speaking to me about the attitude I had towards it. Oh, dear! What am I trying to say? Remember how I said it was nice and all, but “there are seven colors in the rainbow, not six”? Then I gave it back, as though it were a purchased item that needed to be reworked. I ought to have accepted the necklace just as you had made it, six colors and all, and said nothing, because of who it was from. God has been convicting me of how wrong I was to have such an attitude of superiority towards you and your gift. So I’m writing this post to ask, “Will you forgive me?”


  1. Why would God care what you said about a necklace that some girl gave you?

  2. Dear rp,

      This post is not directed toward you, so please do not comment on it. It just so happens that the woman I’m speaking to in that post subsequently became my wife, and is my wife no longer. You understand, don’t you? If you don’t, it’s because it’s none of your concern!

  3. Maybe you should find somebody else. Maybe you'd be happier and you wouldn't spend your days tearing yourself apart over a years-old relationship. I'm just saying.

  4. To quote Frodo in one of the Lord of the Rings movies, “Your words would sound like wisdom, but for the warning in my heart.” You may not believe that marriage is sacred, but I do.

    Waidaminnit... how do you know it’s years old? Who told you that?

  5. oh, i've been reading your blog for over a year now. you must reaaaaalllly like this girl.

  6. Like her? Well, not so much as I used to, but I truly love her, there's no denying that! Thanks for being interested, but it was for her benefit, not yours, that this post was composed. If you keep commenting on it, I think she never will. Or is she somehow involved in this exchange? Hmmm... perhaps I should just delete this post and try email instead...

  7. I don't know this girl, or you, at all. Now back to our regularly scheduled program...

  8. Welcome To The Internet

  9. your favorite science is physics, so you know there are millions of colors in the rainbow. that necklace fell woefully short. you were right to give it back.

  10. Wrong. There are millions of wavelengths, or frequecies if you prefer, of light in the rainbow, this is true; but if you're counting visible bands of color, there are seven: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. In more recent years, the list has been shortened to six, as the indigo band is so narrow, but technically, there are seven distinct bands of color.

    Dude! I think I might have to delete this post yet! Or maybe just your comments. Haven't quite decided yet. ☺

  11. The fact is, and this is really the fact: God knew you were going to reject your girlfriend's craft-store gift. He knew, see, and he also knew he was going to give you a hard time about it. Yet, for some reason, he never bothered to warn you, or your heart (whichever manages the thinking in your day-to-day), of the repercussions of your actions. If you should beat up on anyone, that person shouldn't be you. You should hate God, my friend, for having the foresight to understand the pain you'd endure with regard to this disposable instant in your life and caring so little that he would allow your callousness to explode unchecked across the feeble sentiments of your once true love.

  12. What the HECK???? ape, run that by me again? No, on second thought. DON'T.
